quarta-feira, 16 de setembro de 2020

Aumentando o PIB

A man sees two groups of workers, one digging a trench along the road and the other following behind to fill it up and cover it. The bystander, confounded, asks the workers what they are doing. They say that the government hired three contractors: one to dig, one to install a pipeline, and the third to cover it. The second contractor never showed up, a worker says, adding, “So we are doing our job.”

Por Sirous Asgari, em https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2020/09/21/the-man-who-refused-to-spy?utm_source=nl&utm_brand=tny&utm_mailing=TNY_Magazine_Daily_091420&utm_campaign=aud-dev&utm_medium=email&bxid=5be9ec9124c17c6adf0a3d7f&cndid=39214085&hasha=a92dd0e19c0180184cc4618078c44633&hashb=6954ccff4c9af9d91a7fcbc6d91097c6e075d0ca&hashc=3025be4d99e9f464d582376632517ba6cab09b36abeaa63858e78c5565bfc36c&esrc=&utm_term=TNY_Daily

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