quarta-feira, 5 de agosto de 2020

A catástrofe dos EUA nas palavras de Trump

We have it totally under control,”  he said two days after that first confirmed case and a day before China cut off Wuhan.


We only have five people, we pretty much shut it down coming from China,” he said on 30 January, the day the World Health Organization declared a global emergency.


"It’s going to disappear. One day – it’s like a miracle – it will disappear,” he said on 27 February, the day America mourned its first coronavirus death.

"I like the numbers being where they are"
It will end,” he told the reporters trailing after him. “People have to remain calm … All I say is: ‘Be calm.’
We don’t have a forecast, because we don’t know."
Anybody that needs a test gets a test,” Trump told the gaggle of reporters in Atlanta. “They have the tests. And the tests are beautiful.”

Are you concerned that the virus is getting closer to the White House and D.C.?
PRESIDENT TRUMP:  No, I’m not concerned at all.  No, I’m not.  No, we’ve done a great job.
The country was in for a “very, very painful two weeks”, he said, and every American had to be prepared “for the hard days that lie ahead”.

“There will be a lot of death”.
“It’s therefore critical certain media outlets stop spreading false information,” he said. “I could name them, but it’s the same ones, always the same ones.”
“What do you have to lose? Take it, [Hydroxychloroquine]"
"In France, they had a very good test,” he said. “But we don’t have time to go and say, ‘Gee, let’s take a couple of years and test it out, and let’s go and test with the test tubes and the laboratories.’”

Meanwhile, Dr Anthony Fauci, the country’s top infectious disease doctor, has repeatedly warned that there is no conclusive evidence to support using the drug. Asked whether it should be considered a treatment for Covid-19, he said on 24 March: “The answer is no.”

'there is a “light at the end of the tunnel” as the country stares down the worst week yet in the coronavirus crisis.'

Donald Trump has criticised the World Health Organization (WHO), and by implication Beijing, saying the global body is “China centric” and “biased” towards the rival superpower.
[...] the WHO had “been wrong about a lot of things”, and threatened to put a hold on WHO funding. When asked if that was a good idea during a pandemic, Trump denied saying it, and then said they would “look at it”.

“We’re going to investigate it, we’re going to look at it. But we will look at ending funding, yeah, because you know what, they called it wrong, and if you look back over the years even, everything seems to be very biased toward China. That’s not right.”

“And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute! And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that. So, that, you’re going to have to use medical doctors with. But it sounds interesting to me.”

"“We are very confident we are going to have a vaccine by the end of the year,” Trump said. Scientists have repeatedly warned that a vaccine may take 12-18 months or longer.
Trump in April predicted 60,000 American lives would be lost but on Sunday said: “We’re going to lose anywhere from 75, 80 to 100,000 people. That’s a horrible thing.”

Trump indicated that intelligence agencies would release further information on Monday about the virus but failed to give details. Asked why he didn’t act earlier on the epidemic, the president said that on 23 January he was in told in briefings there “could be a virus coming, but it was of no real import”"

After backtracking on earlier indications that he would wind up the White House coronavirus taskforce, the Trump spelled out a potentially brutal approach to kickstarting the world’s biggest economy. “We have to be warriors,” Trump told Fox News when asked if Americans should expect additional deaths as the country looks to reopen. “We can’t keep our country closed down for years.”
The president added: “Hopefully that won’t be the case … but it could very well be the case.”

has said coronavirus will “go away without a vaccine” and is expecting 95,000 or more deaths in the US


“All throughout the country, the numbers are coming down rapidly.”


“I happen to be taking it. I happen to be taking it. I’m taking it, hydroxychloroquine. Right now, yeah. A couple weeks ago I started taking it. Because I think it’s good, I heard a lot of good stories … I take a pill every day.”


“You know when you say that we lead in cases, that’s because we have more testing than anybody else,” he said. “It’s a great tribute to the testing and all of the work that a lot of professionals have done.”
E uma imagem do que são hoje os EUA em termos sociais: entre os países desenvolvidos e em desenvolvimento:


Fonte: Guardian, https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/apr/04/trump-coronavirus-science-analysis

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